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If you want cheap flights the first link below is SKYSCANNER who I believe are major players in the cheap flights business,others are just affiliates of theirs.We have removed Flightline as their banner was not working.Irritating for you and us and they were affiliates of SKYSCANNER as it turned out.Below them is a link for Best Buys who again when you click on it you see SKYSCANNER.Do I need to say anymore.

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What do you think about the govenment policy of "cost of flights must go up"? Me? I think they are protecting vested interests in BA.
What will it achieve if flights go up and middle and poorer people cannot afford to fly anymore.It would mean much lost revenue for countries like Portugal and Spain which rely on foreign tourism.Also hundreds of thousands of foreign holiday homes (which they encouraged you to buy)would lie empty.Many jobs would go in the airline industry and also in support industries.Why do they want that to happen?If I can work it out they certainly have! So what are they up to?
What is your view on pollution an taxation? My view? Ok I agree we need to look after and clean up our planet but what the heck does this have to do with taxing people more? One thing is for certain that money is not going into developing new environmentally friendly fuels. Private ventures are doing this research and are being deliberately hampered and held back to preserve the interests of the oil companies.This state of affairs has been going on since the thirties.The use of water as a fuel was known about back then,so why on earth are all cars not built with this technology? You can purchase kits to do it yourself but the majority of people have neither the time, the money or the inclination to carry this out.
There are many other forms of renewable energy that have been deliberately suppressed. Western governments got together long ago and decided to base their economies on Oil! Why? Because oil is difficult to extract so only big companies can do it.This leads to ease of control of both price and availability! This I believe is why the use of Oil goes on despite the damage it does to the environment.Otherwise they would order the use of water technology in every new car produced and make it tax efficient for people to convert existing cars on the road.They could not control the price of this fuel source! That in my opinion is the reason why!
As always the views on BOOKING-FLIGHTS page are my own views and are only intended to stir your own thoughts.I do not claim I am definitely right in everything I say.Only fools do that!